Living well & dying well, together.
Are you or a loved one looking for direct concierge physician services from a seasoned Hospice and Palliative Care doctor? Dr. Chatburn can offer in-home or telehealth visits for specific care needs as a supplement to your primary care team or hospice caregivers.
Are you a deathworker or a healthcare professional of any discipline? For those who want to deepen and refine their practice or reboot in the midst of burnout, Dr. Chatburn has been a sought-after mentor and guide for over a decade.
Whether you’re interested in following a deeper path of soul longing through Interfaith Spiritual Direction, looking for a guide to navigate Moral Distress, or desire a soft landing for witnessing grief, Andi’s professional companioning offerings are a catalyst for authenticity.
Start the Journey
Ready to take the next step?
Schedule an intro session with Andi
to see if this is a mutual fit.